Monday 4 February 2013

Evaluation for Presentation


Within our presentation we had to talk about the different conventions of Soap Opera's and also include a storyline of our own opening Soap Opera episode.

for our Soap idea, A mum and her five year old daughter escape after abuse from her husband. They move to a new street away from the husband. They start a new family and after a few months the husband finds them however at this point the mum has a new boyfriend that protects them. The husband find them and kidnaps the mum and daughter and once they are found the husband is sent to prison.

The presentation went well because we included all the different aspects of Soap Operas, such as, Genre, Representation, Narrative, Camera angles, audience and the five parts of Mise-en-scene (Settings and Location, Facial Expression and Body Language, Position of Characters and Objects in a Frame, Lighting and Colour and Props, costumes and Hair and Make-up). We were able to connect to the audience and it was easy for them to understand. I think our presentation improve from the previous one because we had a better understand of what we were talking about and we were a lot more relaxed whilst presenting.
From doing the presentation I have a better understanding of the different conventions of Soap Operas and also have an idea of what I could do to improve on how I present to an audience.
I think our presentation could have gone better if all of our group was present. Although our presentation was very detailed, we could have used more images to break up the writing so the audience found it easier to read and using more image would of helped us present because it would have been shorter and less to read.
When we do our next presentation, as an individual I aim to read less straight from the script but to bullet point what I am going to say so the audience do not get bored. Another thing I could improve is to look at the audience rather than looking down at my script. As a group next time we would put less writing and more images on our presentation so the audience get a visual understanding rather than just reading from the screen.

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